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Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Jul 31, 2023
Egypt Street, 1950s
If my mother remained an enigma, the circumstances and routines of my father’s life had always been so physically clear and evident to...

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Jan 29, 2021
Beyond The Third Door
Guest Post by Maria Heckinger Excerpt from her book, Beyond the Third Door Hariklea’s Voice* My Small Window on the Sea A WARM BREEZE...

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Sep 30, 2020
Under the Azure Greek Sky | Κάτω από τον Γαλάζιο Ουρανό της Ελλάδας
It was a sleepy winter day in Thessaloniki, and Mother, who liked to knit, had brought along her green bag with yarn and needles. My...

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Aug 18, 2020
Are Memoirists Psychological Refugees?
Memoir writers can be an assembly of refugees that keep away from what they want to avoid recalling...

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Aug 7, 2020
Coffee is in My DNA
My favorite story was about Kaldi, the goatherder, who noticed how excited his goats became at night after munching on the coffee plant!

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Jun 14, 2020
The Drama of Writing Trauma: Authoring Memoir | Το Δράμα της Συγγραφής Μεμουάρ
Writing memoir involves recalling past events in the now, paying special attention to family; decipher life experiences...

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Apr 29, 2020
Ten Insights Gained from Writing a Bilingual Memoir
In the course of completing my memoir, ultimately in two languages, ten discoveries came to light.
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